I'm a valid BNO holder and I'm writing to seek help from HK watch members & UK MPs. Please note that HK is under extremely poor situation. The HK government propose the extradition bill, and they refused to hear the opinion from professional law parties & other HK citizens. The HK citizens tried to voice out their opinion by peaceful means, but the HK government refused to listen, and what they did is to give orders to the HK police to arrest those protesters. Moreover, the HK police used pepper spray, beanbag rounds, sponge grenades, etc to execute the crowd control mission. And the journalist found that they failed to follow the instruction of using those weapons, some of the police shot towards protesters' head. In addition, we noticed that some policemen are questionable, we are not sure if they are really HK citizens or they are from China.
Now people who live in HK (no matter they are British Citizens or BNO, they are all UK national) are at risk because the HK police's action are not reasonable anymore. Her majesty's people are now at great danger and we urgently need assist from our motherland UK. In 1996, on the eve of handover, the British prime minister, John Major, vowed: “Hong Kong will never have to walk alone”. I think it's time to put the promise into practice. Besides refuse to deliver any crowd control to HK, please consider other means (something like Kindertransport OR Dunkirk retreat) that can save the UK national who are at HK. I am sure all the HK people will remember what you do, and I believe UK national in HK are willing to contribute their knowledge, investment, etc to their motherland. Thank you.