2019年3月18日 星期一

A song from St John's Cathedral

Hymn for the 170th anniversary of  St John's Cathedral

How shall I define the grace of our Lord?
The love most divine, yet giv'n to us all.
More boundles than the sea, more ceaseless than the sun,
A great burning pledge: a savious become

Fling wide the West Door and let all within!
The Lamb's blood here flows no matter your kin.
In Eastern tongues hymn, to Western tunes praise,
The multitude's faith: one Church to attest.

But those who are lost to wealth or themselves,
To Earthly pow'rs bow, to Earthly tombs rot.
O seek ye the Way, the Truth and the Life,
Transcendent and pure:: the blade 'gainst all strife!

Thus join we all here, with zeal of St John's,
To do what we could in th'image of Christ,
Let no sense be dumb, let no flesh retire,
Till all hearts expire: for Hong Kong our home.


是的, 人怎能去定義神的恩典?




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